Andover training venue directions
From Southampton
Take the A3057 to the junction with Old Winton Road (0.25 miles after Andover Golf Course). Turn right and then left into Love Lane. The centre is on the left after Heath Vale.
From the M3, Basingstoke and Salisbury
Take the A303 to the junction with the A3057 and then the A3057 towards Andover. Turn right into Old Winton Road (0.25 miles after Andover Golf Course) and then left into Love Lane. The centre is on the left after Heath Vale.
From Newbury
Take the A343 towards Andover centre and at the large roundabout, just after passing under the railway bridge, take the second exit into New Street. Continue on main road, initially New Street then East Street then Eastern Avenue, until the third roundabout and take first exit into Winchester Road. Take first left into Old Winton Road, and then left again into Love Lane. The centre is on the left after Heath Vale.