Choose an amount to donate

£${amount} could help fund a community first aid session in your local area.

£${amount} could help pay for a community volunteer’s kit to provide emergency treatment in their area.
Your donation helps us to teach people life saving first aid, and to ensure volunteers are on hand to provide first aid where they're needed most.
We'd love to hear why you chose to donate to us today - please select an option from the list below.
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Keep in touch
St John Ambulance would like to send you details on the latest offers, activities, events, services, appeals and how you can support our life saving work. Find out how we use your data in our privacy policy.
If you have any queries or would like to update your preferences, please fill out this form.
Please let us know how you would like us to communicate with you.
Confirm Donation
We use a third party, Barclaycard, to collect your payment details and process your payment. When you select 'Proceed to Payment' to complete your donation, you will be taken to their secure server.

We use a third party, Barclaycard, to collect your payment details and process your payment. When you select 'Proceed to Payment' to complete your donation, you will be taken to their secure server.
What regular donations can achieve
Donating regularly helps us plan for the future knowing there’s a steady supply of money coming in.
For instance:

a month could help new volunteers to respond to emergencies through vital training and support.

a month could help towards paying for a defibrillator to use for cardiac emergencies.