What is a tick bite?

Ticks are very small, spider-like creatures which can be found in woodlands or grass. Ticks attach themselves to passing animals (including humans) and bite into the skin, sucking the blood. They can carry diseases so should be removed as soon as possible. Otherwise you may develop Lymes disease.

What to do

  1. Using a pair of tweezers, grasp the tick’s head as close as you can to the skin and gently pull the head upwards.

    • Use a steady and even pressure.
    • Do not jerk the tick as this may leave parts of it embedded in the skin.
    • Do not burn or freeze the tick, or try to remove it with butter or petroleum jelly.
  2. Collect the remnants of the tick together and put it in a sealed plastic bag. Give it to the casualty as it may need to be identified.

  3. Advise them to seek medical advice.

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