What are poisons?

Poisons are chemicals or substances that if taken or absorbed into the body in sufficient quantities, can cause temporary or permanent damage. The effects will be different depending on the type, quantity and combination of drug taken, as well as how the person has taken it, such as swallowing, inhaling or injecting.

What are stimulants and hallucinogens?

Stimulants and hallucinogens are substances that raises the level of activity in the body, often increasing the heart rate.  These include ecstasy, LSD, amphetamines and cocaine.  Hallucinogens can cause you to hallucinate, which makes you think you can see, hear, feel, or smell something that does not exist. 

Signs and symptoms

If someone has been poisoned by stimulants and hallucinogens, they may have:

  • excitable, hyperactive behaviour
  • sweating
  • tremor of hands
  • hallucinations, for example, claiming to hear voices or see things which aren't there
  • dilated pupils.

What to do

  1. If the person is responsive, help them into a comfortable position and ask them what they’ve taken.

    • Try to reassure them.
  2. Call 999 or 112 for emergency medical help. Tell them that you suspect drug poisoning.

    • Keep checking their breathing, pulse, and level of response. 
    • Do not try to make them vomit. If they do vomit, then put some of this into a bag or container and give it to the healthcare professionals. This may help them identify the drug or substance. 
  3. If they become unresponsive, open their airway, check their breathing and prepare to treat someone who’s become unresponsive.

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